Best start of the day-a hearty breakfast.

I have tested a lot of different finished products, both muesli and porridge, and finally come up with a blend that I cling to. Here comes a recipe for my specialgröt.

Tomas specialgröt
2 dl fiberberikade oatmeal
2 dl rye flakes
2 dl Dinkel flakes
1 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
0.5 dl hackede hazelnuts
0.5 dl chopped dried apricots
Mix well in a large jar.

1 DL specialgröt, 1krm salt, 1 1/2 cups water.
3:30 in micron at maximum power.

0.5 dl almonds
0.5 dl raisins
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
liquid honey
3 dl milk

To this I drink pigge lin drink and green tea or coffee.
Double rate forced lin drink with honey if I've trained before, otherwise no.

And yes that's right, here's the recipe for pigge lin drink. The recipe is originally from a barbapapabok from the 70 's, and I have taken it with me throughout life.

Pigge lin drink, 1 set
1 egg
(1 spoon of honey)
2 dl orange juice

Whisk together honey and eggs by hand in a bowl. Add juice and whisk together the whole thing. Pour into a glass.

A double forced lin drink also works perfectly as recovery immediately after a hard workout. Both fast carbohydrates and protein.

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