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Personal best at Sylvesterloppet!

After a good month in december where I managed to squeeze in 31 löppass and only 3 days without running, so it was time for sylvesterloppet for the first time. I have focused a little too much on long-distance race in the fall, so that real speeds has not been present in the body, which is why I added the 2 interval workouts a week again in december. IMG_2519


The upload before the race was a bit different than usual. On the Saturday before I added a long session with structured fartlek-19 km with 10 intervals with 400 m in zone 4 speed, and 1200 m in zon2 speed. After that I drove only on recovery exercise, the last day before the race. I made sure not to load up with some carbs before the race, no more than I eat normally. In the morning I ate a regular breakfast early, and then I drank just before the race. Beet juice, respectively, and other natural juices, no sugar.

Warming have I botched with, so now I drove 20 minutes before with CJ. In zone 1, with some speed increases at the end. With 10 minutes left to start we went to start the fold. I put myself pretty far back in the elitledet, then I didn't want to be in the starting group 1. And the plan was to run around 38 minutes, so I felt I was positioned correctly.

12:00 start went, and I found that I opened strongly but without rushing. CJ disappeared ahead, and soon I saw his back no longer. I was thinking that I'm running race quite in my own pace. I opened though the first mile on 3:31, and the other at 3:38 pm

I kept just below the threshold heart rate until around halfway through the race. By now low CJ more than 100 meters before, but now I started nibbling in. Without increasing the tempo, so I went up on the effort, and were above the threshold the entire second half. during the second lap, at 8 km, I caught up with CJ. He had direction, but nevertheless pressed on when he saw me, and pulled away again. I was close to my max, and dropped off him.

But with 500 meters left, I thought I wasn't going to let him beat me so easily, so I pushed to the max, and with 10 meters left, I was caught up again. But it's hard to beat C.J. in a Sprint, and he is faster than me, so he had forces to respond. And he was ahead of me in the goal. Just before. But I was very happy with 38:27 that the clock stopped on, so it made me no.

But when I checked the results list after I had showered me off, so I saw that I was before anyway! CJ had stuck over the start line 1 second before me, so with the same time, 38:28, I was ahead in the results yet.


38:28 of time and place, I am very satisfied with 51. And when I then found out that the race was 10240 metres so it felt even better, according to Strava so I set new personal record on 10 km at 37:20, and at 5 km at 18:17. But there are times during the race, and do not count as personal records. But it shows atleast at capacity right now, and it's a boost in itself. To still improve itself feels very good, and now feels like 35 minutes at mile not completely impossible anymore. First, I shall pass 17:30 at 5 km, and 18:17 is not so far away.

This was my fourth mile races during the year, and it was the fourth time I was over 40 minutes, so it is starting to feel pretty stable thereabouts.

Forest maran 2014

When I heard about this contest, so I saw it as a good time to run a long session before Ultima Frontera in two weeks ' time. And the idea was that I would run nice and slow, in a comfortable long session tempo.


I arrived at Skatås shortly after 8, and after a short toastopp I went down to the soccer fields where the start went. We would run Vilmarksleden almost all the way, but the first three kilometres passed by get back, when the route was too unwell, according to the Organizer.

09.00 start went, and direct stack a bunch of 10 people off the lead. In the spotlight for fast pace for me, I would surely run quiet all the way under the plan.  The only problem was that it was hatch both forward and backward. I do have a history of running error in this type of race, and now I had not downloaded a map because I was sure it would be full of runners around me.

The first 4 km did well, but then I hung out on the runner in front of me down on the left. It was an orange snittsel there, but wilderness trail continued straight ahead. They know where they're going, I thought, and hung on. But after 700 m, it felt wrong, and I called ahead that it was probably the wrong way. We turned, and met a gang of 10 people who'd follow us, and when we got back to the intersection, so we saw that all ran on straight ahead. I dropped enough 60-70 positions, and closest to the mile I ran about people all the time.

The first water control came at 9 km, and the trip had been pretty quiet. It would not have been any problem finding after fadäsen at the beginning, and it floated at in decent speed until the second check at 20 km. Here I lay on the ground 15 according to scales, so I had run past the 50 runners along the way. And because I felt strong, only to run on.

Problem was that I was all alone again. No one in front, and no one behind. And after 1 km I ran, of course, wrong again, this time via a path which was right on a wilderness trail sign, and orange markings in the forest. 500 metres into, I felt that it was wrong, and ran back. I lost probably 10-12 positions, and ran on the same thread for the second time.

After another 5 km, it was time again. This time I followed a wide beautiful gravel road, and suddenly noticed that it was not the trail wilderness and wilderness Lerum anymore. Back again, and on the way to härskogen I passed the same group of runners for the third time …

At last drinking control after 33 km, I had passed some runners that I not passed previously. Wouldnt have cramping, so I pulled in me a lot of salt liquorice, and it worked decently. I ran the course, on the other hand quite quiet. But the last mile was still heavy. It was very up, and I felt that the pace was reduced.

I passed a few runners to, and when it was 2 km I started to see some officers on bicycle. Eagerly cheered on I pressed on the last bit, and got the car escort last 500 meters towards the goal. A total of 43.2 km in a time of 3:49:18. New personal best on the maran! Though I, on the other hand, has never run a flat asphalt mara and. .. And the top 10 was also in the men's class.


A fast inverse burgers, shower, and slid back to Skatås of Bro, before it was time for birthday parties for Tor and Vicky at home. In fact not very worn.

A report from the göteborgsvarvet 2014


Then it was finally time for the Gothenburg shipyard, and for the first time since 1989 so I had set up the training to focus on running well. I ran iochförsig last year, but then it was more like a training session.

The preparations during the week was not directly on top. I had decided to take a last tempo workouts on Monday, so I and CJ stack up to Castle slottsskogsvallen and drove 5 200-metre intervals. I got an emergency running stomach, and had to run into the bouleklubbens toilet both before and after the intervals. However, kept good pace, about 3:10, at intervals.

Tuesday was a day of rest, ran only a strength training workouts, and on Wednesday it was time for the shipbuilding relay. The idea was to run 4 km in hard tempo, and then rest until Saturday, but we got a drop off in one of the teams, so I had to run two routes. It was iofs quite nice to get a nedvarvningsvarv, I think it did well in the legs. The first route I ran on 13:40, and the second at 15:27.

laps relay

On Thursday, that would be the day of rest, began with that I had to jump into the football team in the morning, so I got a hard interval workouts at 6 km. But then I rested.  On Friday I followed Emma from Aktivitus sistaminutenråd, and ate more carbohydrate than usual. Two extra sandwiches on the day, and a taco dinner in the evening.

Saturday morning. Racedags. Regular breakfast 08:00, and a relax. Walked around on the lawn and stretchade. Took a vegetarian taco 10.00, and drank two glasses of water during the morning. 11:00 I put me in the car and drove to work, where I did a toabesök before I walked the last 3 km up to the Castle forest wall.

Met up CJ in slottskogen, and when I tied the shoes, so went for a loop on my kinavara 4. The second pair of two months that breaks down. Comfortable to run in, but far too small. We was moving up to the start, left in my bag, and warmed 2 km on gravel plans
I had 0.5 liter sports drink with me, and went and Anemone on the right up to the start.

12:50 we put in the startup group 2, where we met Carl Johan. My idea was to go out in 4:15 speed, and if it felt good. You never know what time the form is, and I felt sluggish in the morning.

13:03 is the starting point. I thought it would be a little tempo now when it ran in the startup group 2, but it was terribly slow all the way to seal dust Hill. jumped around in the build file, but still managed to keep the 4:15 pace. Other kilometer up the seal dust Hill I got up the pulse, and a pace just over 4:00 felt quite right.

I had good control of the pulse, and tried to be on lactic acid the border all the time. It went well by majorna and up on älvsborsbron. Here I pulled down the pace a bit, and tried to be at the same heart rate all the time, and kilometer up the bridge was my slowest, in addition to the start, at 4:11. CJ released up the bridge.

Because it was so hot, so I drank a little more than planned. The idea was to drink sports drink on every station, but no water. Now, I took a small SIP of water on three of these stations as well, mostly to cool off a little. Hisingssidan was hot. But I was able to keep good speed, and after 10 k I passed Carl Johan who had run about me down the älvsborg bridge. He looked pretty worn out, but I felt fresh, so I continued at the same pace.

Because I did not felt tired when I was on, so I was able to keep a steady and fast pace, so the distance between 12 and 19 km was only 4 seconds between the fastest (3:59) and slowest (4:03) km, in addition to up the avenue that ran at 4:07.

When I passed the last stop with sports drink at Vasagatan, it was time to move up straight. Now I am a bit ignored in if I were pulling on me lactic acid, and increased the tempo up the linen Street. It punished itself enough a little bit, because km after went on 4:11. But then I could quit strongly with 3:56 and 3:34 on the last two km. It was not until here as it started to hurt to run, and then I have outlined forces really.

20 km mark I passed at 1:23 p.m., according to the official, and I knew I started 3 minutes later, so with a good conclusion so would I cope 1:25!

Last uppförsknycken of Castle Woods, and into the wall. Pushed on properly, and stopped the clock on the line. 1.26:11 remained on, and I realized that the clock at the 20 km mark had gone wrong, but it did nothing. I had broken my crazy record from 1989 by almost 10 minutes, I had run under the dream threshold at 1:30, and I had run away from both CJ and Carl johan.

A nice feeling to be duschad of water bottles in the glorious sunshine on the Palace embankment of the forest. Carl Johan came with a sponge a few minutes later, he, too, had passed the dream threshold at 1:30 with just over a minute.  A few minutes later came a disappointed CJ in the case. He had drawn on the acid up the bridge, and not been able to shake it for the rest of the race.

We took a common victory image via marathonfoto, before we parted. Happy I walked down towards Vasagatan and viewed all who had last piece left. Even more pleased I was when I checked into the results. official time was 1:26:11, and the location was 588.

Perhaps it is enough to start Group 1 next year. And if all goes well, maybe we should take aim at the next dream limit …

Triathlontest on Aktivitus

So it was time to test themselves in real life. Last Sunday, i was in Aktivitus premises in Kviberg for a triathlonpaket. This means:

  • An advanced test on the treadmill with lactate measurement
  • An advanced test on bike with lactate measurement
  • A VO2max test on bicycle or treadmill
  • A personalized exercise program over 16 weeks with focus on Triathlon (cycling + running)

I started with the lactic acid threshold test on the ergometer. Heating, and then running. around 80rpm, and an initial load of 80W. Then increased with 40W every three minutes, a trick in the finger and measure the lactic acid concentration in the blood. Energy levels in the bones will run out long before kondisen, and already by 154 of the pulse is the lactic acid on top. Here is a picture of the test results:
bike test

Then it was time for the same measurement, but this time on the treadmill. I had to walk and jog slowly until the lactic acid were down at the right level, and then began to test. 1 degree tilt, and 12 km/h on the treadmill. An increase of 1 km/h every 4 minutes, and measurement of the lactic acid. As you look at the chart below, so is both heart rate curve and lactic acid curve much more even, because I run more than cycling.

I was a little surprised by the results. Quickly explained and I will keep me in the blue zone on the long session, the green at a distance that, and the red on interval workouts.

Converted to the rate corresponding to the 5:00 pm-4:20 pace on long session, 4:20 pm-3:45 pace on that distance, and faster than 3:45 on interval workouts. Pretty much harder than the workouts I run now, especially remotely passes where I lie and fart in the 4:30 pace.

Vacant this evening it was time for a VO2max test. On with the mask over the nose and mouth, and up on the treadmill again. Patrick thought we'd start the 15 km/h, and then keep the same speed, but increasing gradient with 2 degrees every minute. Really hard.

I reached my maximum oxygen uptake at 6 degrees inclination, but to a guy standing next to and shouts continue, so there is not much else to do. 5 minutes in at 8 degree tilt scream I in the mask and stop band. Your legs are like sticks, but I haven't quite reached maximum heart rate, it stops at 167.

The value then? 4.23 litres/minute or converted 58, 9ml/Kg/min. Not in any way a max results, but quite enough compared to the normal distribution.



So now I'm just waiting on my custom workout program, it will take approximately two weeks. Then it becomes hard training I hope!

Best start of the day-a hearty breakfast.

I have tested a lot of different finished products, both muesli and porridge, and finally come up with a blend that I cling to. Here comes a recipe for my specialgröt.

Tomas specialgröt
2 dl fiberberikade oatmeal
2 dl rye flakes
2 dl Dinkel flakes
1 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
0.5 dl hackede hazelnuts
0.5 dl chopped dried apricots
Mix well in a large jar.

1 DL specialgröt, 1krm salt, 1 1/2 cups water.
3:30 in micron at maximum power.

0.5 dl almonds
0.5 dl raisins
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
liquid honey
3 dl milk

To this I drink pigge lin drink and green tea or coffee.
Double rate forced lin drink with honey if I've trained before, otherwise no.

And yes that's right, here's the recipe for pigge lin drink. The recipe is originally from a barbapapabok from the 70 's, and I have taken it with me throughout life.

Pigge lin drink, 1 set
1 egg
(1 spoon of honey)
2 dl orange juice

Whisk together honey and eggs by hand in a bowl. Add juice and whisk together the whole thing. Pour into a glass.

A double forced lin drink also works perfectly as recovery immediately after a hard workout. Both fast carbohydrates and protein.